aspect of the work done by the Master on the second Path is the drawing off of those phases of glamor which no longer have the power
to deceive mankind. They are not allowed to accumulate or to remain upon the astral plane. They are therefore, through the
magnetic power of the Master, withdrawn from our planetary life and are "occultly absorbed" by the Master; the substance of the glamor,
purified and freed from all that conditioned it on the planetary astral plane, and with only the pure essence retained, sets
the law in motion which draws this purified remainder
into the cosmic astral plane. RI 404.
7th sub
plane Cosmic Astral Plane
Matter Cosmic Astral =
per second.
7sbpCAst ≈ f85969Hz
4th sub
plane Systemic Astral Plane
matter Astral plane = normal functioning ground of average man [Solar Plexus centre] = approximate
vibrational rate of 478,296,900,000,000
per second. 4sbpAstAvm ≈ f47812Hz
Magnetic power of Master > occultly absorbes = phases of planetary glamour
Phases of glamour > purified and freed = pure essence retained
Law set in motion > purified essence/substance drawn into = cosmic astral
[mp]M>oa= pPg > 4th sub plane AstAvm ≈ f47812Hz >
pg>pf= per > law(pe)= CsAp > 7th
sub plane> Cosmic Astral plane ≈